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800.449.0645 Caregiver Support

Equipping Your Home Care Agency to Meet Growing Demands

ManholdingipadHome care is more popular today than ever before. More than 90 percent of seniors desire to live at home as they age, and are looking for reliable home care services to help them do so. Becoming a leader in the home care industry means keeping up with the changing times and making appropriate adjustments to maximize your agency’s potential. One of the most innovative resources available for home care agencies is a home care system and home care software such as ClearCare Online. Let’s discuss three ways a dependable home care system would help your business keep up with growing demands.

Instant updates and record keeping. Rather than tediously tracking daily activities on paper, ClearCare Online’s home care software allows your caregivers to record information electronically at the point-of-care. Verification of daily activities is immediately visible to agency administrators as well as family members, providing better quality care and peace of mind. Electronic records are always up-to-date, accessible 24/7, and 100% reliable.

Faster response time to problems and concerns. It’s no secret that paper care journals are often inadequately filled out or misplaced. Care concerns can immediately be reported using ClearCare Online’s web-based home care system. Once a caregiver updates her home care software – with assessments or daily care plans - the information is secure and available for review. This allows agency administrators to take a proactive approach and address concerns before they escalate to serious problems. Spending less time on patient complaints or concerns means you can spend more time expanding your business.

More efficient accounting. Improve your agency’s efficiency by utilizing the organizational capabilities of ClearCare Online’s home care software. ClearCare Online’s home care system includes fully integrated scheduling, billing, and payroll functions – specifically customized to meet your agency’s needs. Whether you use QuickBooks or a third party payroll company, ClearCare Online can make processing your billing and payroll much quicker. Using robust home care software for all of your agency’s administrative tasks frees up time you can use to take your agency to the next level.

As more seniors choose to remain living at home, the home care industry will continue to grow. Now is the time to make the most of technological advances and promote your agency as a sophisticated leader in home care. ClearCare Online’s outstanding home care system is designed to help you do just that. For a free demonstration, call 800-449-0645.

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