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800.449.0645 Caregiver Support

Keeping Seniors Safe on the Road

mm__drivingDecember 2 to 6 is Older Driver Safety Awareness Week. Given 18% of all traffic fatalities are people who are 65 years of age or older, it is important to learn about senior safety on the road.

Changes Influencing Seniors on the Road

Given how experienced most of them are as drivers, it can be hard for seniors to accept there are safety concerns about their driving. It’s important for them to know this isn’t because they are “bad drivers.” Age-related changes that affect driving for seniors include:

  • Limited vision or hearing
  • Decreased reaction time, judgment, or attention due to health conditions
  • Weakness when operating a steering wheel, brakes, etc.
  • Memory loss that leads to getting lost or confused
  • Medications that impair judgment and reaction times

Night-time driving exacerbates the effects of these changes on senior safety as well.

Increasing Driver Safety for Seniors

Encourage seniors to increase their safety on the road with these tips.

  • Stay active to maintain flexibility and strength
  • Make sure brakes, steering wheel, and seats function smoothly
  • Drive at times of day with good visibility
  • Keep up to date on vision and hearing checks
  • Use adaptors like extra mirrors

Want to learn more?

Be sure to check out our free Marketing Monthly program for more info about keeping seniors safe on the road, including questions to start conversations with seniors about driver safety. 



(Sources: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, AARP, National Institute on Aging)

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